Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific
Issue 24, June 2010

Arts and Media Responses to the
Traumatic Effects of War on Japan

Guest editors Mick Broderick and Antonio Traverso


Post-war Trauma in Japan: Media, Arts and Gender
Mick Broderick and Antonio Traverso


The Politics of Trauma: Compulsory Suicides During the Battle of Okinawa and Postwar Retrospectives
Steve Rabson

Close Yet Distant Relations: The Politics of History Textbooks, U.S. Military Bases and Trauma in Okinawa
Miyume Tanji

'Dancing Through' Historical Trauma: Okinawan Performance in Post-Imperial Japan
Valerie H. Barske

Transmission of Trauma, Identification and Haunting: A Ghost Story of Hiroshima
Naono, Akiko

Reconstructing the Perpetrator's Soul by Reconstructing the Victim's Body: The Portrayal of the 'Hiroshima Maidens' by the Mainstream Media in the United States
Robert Jacobs

Topographies of Trauma: Dark Tourism, World Heritage and Hiroshima
Mick Broderick

Book Reviews
edited by Kumiko Kawashima

Assa Doron
Caste, Occupation and Politics on the Ganges:
Passages of Resistance

reviewed by Jenny Huberman

Barbara Holthus
Paarbeziehungen in japanischen Frauenzeitschriften seit 1970.
Medien und Geschlecht in Japan

reviewed in English by Stephanie Assmann


Books Received


Published with the support of Gender and Cultural Studies, School of Culture, History and Language, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University.
© Copyright
Page constructed by Carolyn Brewer.
Last modified: 9 June 2010 0937