Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific
Issue 42, August 2018


Silent Strategies: The Legacy of Sexual Violence among Chinese Indonesians
Sari Andajani-Sutjahjo, Linda Rae Bennett and Sharyn Graham Davies     [pdf version]

Regendering the Literary and Buddhist Textual Tradition of Medieval Japan
Rajyashree Pandey     [pdf version]

Boys Treated as Gold, Girls as Silver: Obstacles to Gender Equality in Health Care for Children Under Five Years of Age in Bihar, India
Claudia Kunze, Elisabeth Schuele and Thomas Kroeck     [pdf version]

Dalit Women's Autobiographical Writings: A Gaze Back
Roma Dey     [pdf version]

Perceptions of Masculinity and Choice of Spouse of Turkish University Students
Simel Parlak and Esra Bakiler     [pdf version]

Gender and the Queen Consort of Tonga
Areti Metuamate     [pdf version]


Books Received

Obituary. Christine Stewart PhD

Dr Christine Stewart 22.10.44 – 22.07.2018: Champion of Human Rights in Papua New Guinea
Keith Stebbins, Robin Jenkins, Camilla Chance, Jean Zorn, Daniel Emlyn-Jones, Keith Stebbins, John Hughes, Laura Zimmer-Tamakoshi, Margaret Jolly     [pdf version]

The Right Royal Wedding: The DownUnder Take on What Happened in Windsor the Other Day
Christine Stewart     [pdf version]

Coombs Building, ANU
a poem by Christine Stewart     [pdf version]

Book Review Section
edited by Kumiko Kawashima, Tyrell Haberkorn and Anna-Karina Hermkens

Bina D'Costa
NationBuilding, Gender and War Crimes in South Asia
reviewed by Roma Dey     [pdf version]

Kay Schaffer and Xianlin Song
Women Writers in Postsocialist China
reviewed by Coraline Jortay     [pdf version]


Published with the support of Gender and Cultural Studies, School of Culture, History and Language, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University.
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Page constructed by Carolyn Brewer
Last modified: 8 September 2018 1114