Contributors to Intersections
Issue 42

Sari Andajani-Sutjahjo is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Public Health and Psychosocial studies at Auckland University of Technology, Aotearoa New Zealand. Her work focuses on gender inequality, human rights, sexual and reproductive health, and Southeast Asia. Her current research interests include studies of gender based violence, HIV/AIDs and maternal and child health, and adolescence sexual health and family planning.

Esra Bakiler is a psychologist interested in issues related identity process, intergroup contact, family relations, gender and crosscultural differences, bully–victim relationships. Her interests are mainly located in Social, Health and Developmental Psychology where she employs both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Esra completed her first undergradute degree in Mathematics. After that she received BA and MA degrees in Psychology, Pedagogy and German as a second and foreign language (focusing on intercultural communication) in Germany. She completed her PhD in Social Psychology at İstanbul University. She is working at Marmara University. Her teaching is primarily in the areas of social psychology, developmental psychology and health psychology.

Linda Rae Bennett is a medical anthropologist whose work focuses on gender, sexuality, sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender-based violence and health inequity. She is author of: Women, Islam and Modernity (2005, Routledge); co-editor of Violence Against Women in Asian Societies, with Lenore Manderson (2003, Routledge); and most recently co-editor of Sex and Sexualities in Contemporary Indonesia, with Sharyn Davies (2015, Routledge). Linda's current research interests include studies of HPV and cervical cancer in Indonesia; health system repsonses to HIV and AIDS in Indonesia, and understanding the nexus between cancer treatment and infertility. She is Head of the International Education and Learning Unit at the Nossal Institute of Global Health, the University of Melbourne.

Sharyn Graham Davies is Associate Professor in the School of Social Sciences and Public Policy at Auckland University of Technology in Aotearoa New Zealand. Sharyn is the author of two books, Gender Diversity in Indonesia (Routledge) and Challenging Gender Norms (Thomson/Wadsworth). Sharyn is also co-editor, with Linda Bennett, of Sex and Sexualities in Contemporary Indonesia (Routledge), which won the 2015 Ruth Benedict Prize awarded by the American Anthropology Association and the 2016 International Convention of Asian Scholars prize. Sharyn has held a number of visiting scholar positions, including Fulbright visiting scholar at Yale (2014), Leverhulme Visiting Professor at Cambridge (2015) and at Peking University (2017). In addition to her research on gender and sexuality in Indonesia, Sharyn has also published on the gender pay gap in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Roma Dey has an MPhil and a PhD from the Centre for the Study of Social Systems, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi and an MA in Social Work from the University of Delhi, India. She has been involved with various developmental organisations and movements for gender equity, indigenous people's right and quality public health and education services.

She has researched, presented papers and published in areas of gender and its intersection with social, economic and political life. Her MPhil dissertation, 'Engaging Exclusions: A Socio-Political Study of Body, Sexuality and Selfhood of Dalit Women' is based on a Dalit women's movement and select autobiographical writings in India. Her PhD thesis, 'Interpreting Motherhood: A Study on the Meanings and Practices', is a multi-method study of the cultural meanings of motherhood and the experiences of motherhood of thirty-one women from different economic backgrounds in Delhi. It also looks at the changes brought in by economic liberalisation and adaptations by women/families/communities over the years. She teaches at the Department of Social Work, Jamia Millia University, Delhi.

Coraline Jortay is a F.R.S.–FNRS Research Fellow and PhD Candidate in literature at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB, Belgium). Her research focuses on gender representations and practices of resistance in the works of sinophone women writers, drawing from narrative, gender studies and discourse analysis. She has published articles on the gendered dimensions of Chinese-French literary translation in Revue de sémiolinguistique des textes et discours (Volume 44, spring 2018, in press) and on the impact of pronouns and classifiers on queer thematisation in Chi Ta-wei's The Membranes in Monde chinois, Nouvelle Asie (Volume 51, Spring 2018, in press). She is also a published translator of sinophone fiction into French.
Thomas Kroeck holds a PhD in Agriculture and a MA in Intercultural Studies. He has been involved in rural development in Tanzania and in supporting child development projects in India and Nepal. Presently he is Director of Studies for Development Studies at the Academy for Christian Leadership in Germany and Research Fellow in the Department of Development Studies of the University of South Africa (Unisa).

Claudia Kunze is a registered ICU nurse and holds a MA in Development Studies. In her masters thesis she focused on gender inequality in the right to health care for children under five in India. She has been working in several development projects and humanitarian aid projects concerning children's health and nutrition in India and East Africa.

Areti Metuamate is Deputy Master and Director of Student Relations at St Albert's College. He is an Indigenous Pacific Studies scholar completing his PhD thesis on 'Kingship and Kinship - The House of Tupou, democracy, and transnationalism in Tonga' under the supervision of ARC Laureate Professor Margaret Jolly. Areti's interest in his PhD topic stems from a broader interest in leadership and governance in Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific.

Rajyashree Pandey Pandey is Reader in Asian Studies at the Politics department of Goldsmiths, University of London. She received her education in India, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia and has taught in many academic institutions across the world. She is the author of Perfumed Sleeves and Tangled Hair: Body, Woman and Desire in Medieval Japanese Narratives (University of Hawai'i Press, 2016) and Writing and Renunciation in Medieval Japan: The Works of the Poet-Priest Kamo no Chōmei (University of Michigan Press, 1998). She has also published articles in a wide range of journals from Monumenta Nipponica to Postcolonial Studies on medieval Japanese literature and Buddhism, as well as on sexuality and Japanese popular culture.

Simel Parlak completed her bachelor's degree in Dokuz Eylül University Guidance and Psychological Counseling Department in 2002. she completed her first master's degree in Dokuz Eylül University in Department of Curriculum and Instruction in 2008 and also Marmara University Guidance and Psychological Counseling in 2014. She started a PhD in Marmara University Guidance and Psychological Counseling Department in 2015. She worked as a counsellor in the institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education between 2002 and 2012. In 2012 she started to work at Mustafa Kemal University Guidance and Psychological Counseling Department. In the same year, she began to work as a research assistant at Marmara University and continues in this role. She has publications in national and international journals and book chapters. She is working in the field of individual and group therapy and is interested in psychodrama, narrative therapy, supportive therapy, EMDR, trauma and violence.

Elisabeth Schuele is a Senior Lecture and the coordinator of the newly established Master of Public Health course at the Divine Word University, Madang, Papua New Guinea. She completed her Doctor of Public Health at Flinders University, Adelaide. Her current research interest include gender-based violence, HIV and AIDS and health systems research, especially access to health services of vulnerable groups.

Published with the support of the Gender Relations Centre, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University.
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