eJournal of the Australian Association for the Advancement of Pacific Studies
Issues 1.2 and 2.1, April 2010

APFRN Support for Asia Pacific Week


John Burton. Photographer: Darren Boyd (ANU). Asia Pacific Week was hosted from 8 to 11 February 2010 by the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific.

The Pacific Studies Graduate Summer School had a strong programme with twenty-four presentations over the four days. The attendance of half the thirty-two participants was supported under an AusAID visitorship scheme (mainly directed at mid-career professionals), by their own university, or, in the case of interstate domestic students, using the modest college funds made available for Asia Pacific Week. This left a funding gap for a group of international applicants; the grant of $5000 by APFRN made it possible to cover their travel costs.

The five APFRN-supported participants and their presentations were:

  • Derek Gwali Futaiasi – Law School, University of the South Pacific Emalus Campus, Port Vila, Vanuatu
    'Vanuatu's marine zones and boundaries delimitation: issues with France, Fiji and Solomon Islands'
  • Matthew Bige – Law Department, University of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
    'Political Corruption in PNG and its implication for governance and development'
  • Rodrigo Gómez – Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand
    'Basis for a judicial decolonisation of Rapa Nui?'
  • Sanjeena Chandra – Suva, Fiji
    'Examinations and its impact on students: case study of Fiji secondary schools'
  • Martin Yala – Master of Development Practice (Advanced) candidate, University of Queensland
    'Coordination of HIV/AIDS programs and Service delivery in Papua New Guinea'

Futaiasi and Gómez's presentations were particularly significant in broadening the wide range of topics handled during the summer school still further into the international relations of the Pacific. The presentations were very well received.

Yala's presentation was given in a thematic session attended by members of other regional groups. With the support of APFRN, it was possible to round out the list of participants with young Pacific scholars from a variety of backgrounds who would not otherwise have been able to attend.


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Page constructed by Carolyn Brewer.
Last modified: 30 June 2010 1344