Contributors to Intersections
Issue 46

Tahoor Ali is a PhD scholar at the Islamic International University, Islamabad. He is a Lecturer of Literary Studies at University of Central Punjab, Lahore. His areas of interest are South Asian Literature, Postcolonial Studies, Critical Theory, Women's Writing, Modern and Contemporary Fiction. His publications include a double peer reviewed article on the theme of Narrative violence. He participated at numerous international conferences most prominent being Locating Transcultural Humanities in Pakistan / South Asia. His MPhil research explores aspects of migration and terrorism in South Asian fiction, focusing especially the selected works of Mohsin Hamid and Kamila Shamsie. Currently he is working on Global Muslim narratives by female Muslim authors.

Tomoko Aoyama is an Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Queensland. Her research focuses on parody, intertexutality, gender and humour in modern Japanese literature and manga. She is the author of Reading Food in Modern Japanese Literature (University of Hawai'i Press, 2008), 'Nodame as "another culture"' (2010), 'Queering the cooking man: Food and gender in Yoshinaga Fumi's (BL) manga' (2015) and many other articles and book chapters. She has co-edited Girl Reading Girl in Japan(with Barbara Hartley, Routledge, 2010) and Configurations of Family in Contemporary Japan (with Laura Dales and Romit Dasgupta, Routledge, 2015).

As a mature-aged student (after marriage and mothering), Carolyn Brewer received her PhD from Murdoch University, Perth. Her research work focused on the impact of religion in the construction of gender and sexuality in the Philippines. Among other publications her most important work is Shamanism, Catholicism and Gender Relations in Colonial Philippines 1521–1685 (Ashgate, 2004). Since 1998 she has edited the electronic journal Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific. Now, in semi-retirement and living in Christchurch, she is an honorary senior lecturer at The Australian National University, and edits doctoral and masters theses prior to submission and other manuscripts in preparation for publication.

Roma Dey is Research Officer and Assistant Professor in the Dr. Ambedkar Chair for Social Work Department at the National Institute of Social Sciences and Social Work (NISWASS), Bhubaneswar. She is currently involved in a National Human Rights Commission study on the intersection of migration, trafficking and bonded labour in Odisha. She is also teaches and supervises students of masters of social work. She has worked as an Assistant Professor in the Departments of Social Work, University of Delhi and Jamia Millia University, Delhi. Her MPhil dissertation, 'Engaging Exclusions: A Socio-Political Study of Body, Sexuality and Selfhood of Dalit Women' is based on a Dalit women's movement and select autobiographical writings in India. Her PhD thesis, 'Interpreting Motherhood: A Study on the Meanings and Practices,' is a multi-method study of the cultural meanings of motherhood and the experiences of motherhood of thirty-one women from different economic backgrounds in Delhi.

James Gethyn Evans is a doctoral student at Harvard University, specialising in the politics and modern history of China and Taiwan. His research interests include China's foreign relations with non-state actors, Cold War studies, the global legacies of Maoism, anti-imperialism and decolonisation movements, and LGBT politics in the Global South. His master's thesis on Maoist China's interactions with the Black Panther Party in the United States and the Naxalite movement in India won the Joseph Fletcher Memorial Award at Harvard University.

Alisa Freedman is a Professor of Japanese Literature, Cultural Studies, and Gender at the University of Oregon and the Editor-in-Chief of the U.S.-Japan Women's Journal. Her books include Japan on American TV: Screaming Samurai Join Anime Clubs in the Land of the Lost (Association for Asian Studies and Columbia University Press, 2021), Tokyo in Transit: Japanese Culture on the Rails and Road (Stanford University Press, 2010), an annotated translation of Kawabata Yasunari's The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa (University of California Press, 2005), and co-edited volumes on Modern Girls on the Go: Gender, Mobility, and Labor in Japan (with Laura Miller and Christine R. Yano; Stanford University Press, 2013) and Introducing Japanese Popular Culture (Routledge, 2017).

Gerard Goggin is Wee Kim Wee Professor of Communication Studies at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He is also Professor of Media and Communications at the University of Sydney. Goggin is widely published on social, cultural, political and policy aspects of mobile media and communication, Internet histories, disability, digital inclusion and accessibility. His most recent book is Apps: From Mobile Phones to Digital Lives (Polity, 2021). With Mark McLelland, he edited the volumes Internationalising Internet Studies: Beyond Anglophone Paradigms (Routledge, 2009) and Routledge Companion to Global Internet Histories (Routledge, 2017).

Peter A Jackson is Emeritus Professor in Thai cultural history in The Australian National University's College of Asia and the Pacific. He has written extensively on religion, gender and sexuality in Thailand as well as critical approaches to Asian area studies. His most recent book is Capitalism Magic Thailand: Global Modernity with Enchantment (Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Press, forthcoming), and he is collaborating with Narupon Duangwises on a study of capitalism, media and masculinity in Thai gay cultures.

Asad Khalid is a lecturer of English literature and critical theory in the Department of English and Literary Studies (DELS) at the University of Management and Technology (UMT), Sialkot Campus. He is interested in researching religion and gender.

Vera Mackie is Emeritus Professor at the University of Wollongong. Publications include IVF and Assisted Reproduction: A Global History (with Sarah Ferber and Nicola J Marks, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020); The Reproductive Industry: Intimate Experiences and Global Processes (with Nicola J Marks and Sarah Ferber, Lexington Books, 2019); Remembering Women's Activism (with Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, Routledge, 2019); The Social Sciences in the Asian Century (with Carol Johnson and Tessa Morris-Suzuki, ANU Press, 2015); Ways of Knowing about Human Rights in Asia (Routledge, 2015); The Routledge Handbook of Sexuality Studies in East Asia (with Mark McLelland, Routledge, 2015); Gender, Nation and State in Modern Japan (with Andrea Germer and Ulrike Wöhr, Routledge, 2014); Feminism in Modern Japan: Citizenship, Embodiment and Sexuality (Cambridge University Press, 2003); Gurōbaruka to jendā hyōshō (Globalisation and representations of gender; Ochanomizu Shobō, 2003); Human Rights and Gender Politics: Asia-Pacific Perspectives (with Anne-Marie Hilsdon, Martha Macintyre and Maila Stivens, Routledge, 2000); Creating Socialist Women in Japan: Gender, Labour and Activism, 1900–1937 (Cambridge University Press, 1997). She has regularly published articles and special issues in vmjpg.

Manal is a lecturer of English language and literature at the Department of English and Literary Studies, University of Management and Technology, Sialkot Campus, Pakistan. She has done a Master of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics. She is interested in studying intersectional formations of gender in South Asia.

Laura Miller is the Ei'ichi Shibusawa-Seigo Arai Endowed Professor of Japanese Studies and Professor of History at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Miller has served as President of the Society for East Asian Anthropology (AAA), president of the Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs, and chair of the Midwest Japan Seminar. She has published more than ninety articles and book chapters on Japanese culture and language. She is the author of Beauty Up: Exploring Contemporary Japanese Body Aesthetics (University of California Press, 2006), and co-editor of four other books, including Diva Nation: Female Icons from Japanese Cultural History (with Rebecca Copeland, University of California Press, 2018).

Safa Mir is a lecturer in the Department of English and Literary Studies at University of Management and Technology in Sialkot, Pakistan. She received her MPhil degree in English Literature from the University of Lahore, Pakistan. Her publications include 'Assimilation and Healing of War Trauma: A Study of Exit West by Mohsin Hamid' (Oeconomia Copernicana 12(4) (2021) and 'Strategic Role of Pronominal Choices in Political Discourse: A Critical Analysis of Benazir Bhutto's Daughter of the East' (Psychology and Education 58(5) (2021): 7604–14).

Kazumi Nagaike is a Professor at the Institute for Global Education and Advanced Research at Oita University in Japan. She completed her PhD at the University of British Columbia (Canada) in 2005. Her research interests include studies in comparative literature, gender/sexuality, and popular culture. She is author of Fantasies of Cross-dressing: Japanese Women Write Male-Male Erotica (Brill Academic Publishers, 2012) and co-editor of the collection Boys' Love Manga and Beyond: History, Culture and Community in Japan (with Mark McLelland, Katsuhiko Suganuma and James Welker, University Press of Mississippi, 2015), Shōjo Across Media: Exploring 'Girl' Practices in Contemporary Japan (with Jaqueline Berndt and Fusami Ōgi, Palgrave, 2019), and Women's Manga in Asia and Beyond: Uniting Different Cultures and Identities (with Fusami Ōgi, Rebecca Suter and John Lent, Palgrave, 2019); as well as 'Boys' Love Manga,' Dru Pagilosotti and Mark McHarry, a special section of the Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics (2013) and 'Transnational Boys' Love Fan Studies,' with Katsuhiko Suganuma, a special issue of Transformative Works and Cultures (2013). Nagaike has also published a wide range of journal articles, book chapters and translations in relation to her ongoing analysis of gender/sexuality in Japanese literature and popular culture.

Flora Roussel is a PhD candidate in Comparative and General Literature at the Université de Montréal (Montreal/Tiohtiá:ke/Mooniyang, Canada). She is working on corporeality, performativity and affect from a feminist, queer, and intersectional perspective, in particular with regard to sexuality and subjectivity in the novels of four contemporary authors: Wendy Delorme, Akwaeke Emezi, Charlotte Roche and Kanehara Hitomi. She is also interested in exophony, especially in the novels of Yoko Tawada. Her research has been published in both national and international journals (Post-Scriptum, Humanities Bulletin, Études littéraires africaines) and she has presented her work in Canada as well as abroad.

Muhammad Safdar is a lecturer of English literature, critical theory and English language in the Department of English and Literary Studies (DELS) at the University of Management and Technology (UMT), Sialkot Campus. He is also a PhD English scholar. His research has been published in prestigious international peer-reviewed journals (including the Journal of Gender Studies and Gender and Work & Organization) on the intersection of religion, secularism, modernity and mobility to reconstruct the gender subjectivity of Muslim women in Pakistan. He also represents the South Asia section of the Book Review Editorial Board of the journal Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific.

Kristine Michelle Santos is the executive director of the Ateneo Library for Women's Writing and an assistant professor in the Department of History and the Japanese Studies Program at Ateneo de Manila University. Her research is on women's queer transformative literacies that challenge norms in popular media. She also researches the transnational flows and neoliberalization of these transformative literacies across Southeast Asia. Her recent publications, 'Queer Affective Literacies: Examining "Rotten" Women's Literacies in Japan,' in Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies (2020) and 'The Bitches of Boys Love Comics: The Pornographic Response of Japan's Rotten Women,' in Porn Studies (2020) highlight these transformative literacies and their transnational impacts.

Samson Soulsby is an English literature PhD candidate at the University of Wollongong currently finishing his thesis on monsters and monstrosity in popular genre fiction. He has worked as editorial assistant on several other publications, including The Reproductive Industry: Intimate Experiences and Global Processes (2019) and the special issue of PORTAL: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies 'Remembering Romit Dasgupta' (2020), in addition to assisting with administering the Ida Blom-Karen Offen Prize in Transnational Women's and Gender History (2019–2020). He considers himself to be one of the many HDR and early career researchers who benefited from Mark McLelland's generous work.

Katsuhiko Suganuma is Lecturer in Humanities at the University of Tasmania. In his writing, he has discussed the intersection of gender, sexuality, racialised positioning and nationality through the lens of queer theory. Recent works include 'When princess(es) will sing: Girls rock and alternative queer interpretations' in Re-Orienting the Fairy Tale: Contemporary Adaptations Across Cultures (Wayne State University Press, 2020); 'Tobanakatta ōji: Mashū Bōn ban "Hakuchō no mizuumi" ni miru danseisei to gendai shakai' ['A prince who did not fly: Understanding masculinities and contemporary society in Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake'] in Danseisei o kashika suru: 'otokorashisa' no hyōshōbunseki (Visualising Masculinities: Representational Analysis of 'Manliness') (Seikyūsha, 2020). His current project looks at the queer effect of being alone and happy.

Taniguchi Hiroyuki is Professor of Gender/Sexuality Law, in the Faculty of Law at Aoyama Gakuin University. He researches human rights protection of LGBTQ and other marginalised genders and sexualities from an international and comparative law perspective, focusing on cases relevant to the European Convention on Human Rights, the United Nation's human rights machinery and East Asian countries. Before he moved to Aoyama Gakuin University in April 2021, he taught at Gakushuin University (2005–2007), Waseda University (2008–2010), Takaoka University of Law (2011–2017), and Kanazawa University (2018–2021). In 2016, he was appointed as a member of the Science Council of Japan and works as Chief Secretary of the LGBTI Division. In addition to publishing numerous articles and book chapters, he has edited and co-edited several volumes, including Seiteki mainoriti hanrei kaishaku (Gender and sexual minority case law book; with Saitō Emiko and Ōshima Lisa; Shinzansha, 2011), Sekushuariti to hō: Shintai, shakai, gensetsu to no kōsaku (Sexuality and law: Joining the body, society, and discourse; 2017), and LGBT o meguru hō to shakai (Law, society and LGBT issue; with Ayabe Rokurō and Ikeda Hirono; Hōritsu Bunka Sha, 2019).

John Whittier Treat is Professor Emeritus in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at Yale University and is currently affiliated with the University of Washington. He is the author of Writing Ground Zero: Japanese Literature and the Atomic Bomb (Chicago, 1995); Great Mirrors Shattered: Japan, Homosexuality and Orientalism (Oxford, 1999) and The Rise and Fall of Modern Japanese Literature (Chicago, 2018). His current book project is tentatively entitled Too Close to the Sun: Collaboration in Korea, Japan and the World.

Graeme Turner AO is Emeritus Professor of Cultural Studies at the University of Queensland. He was the Director of the Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies at the University of Queensland from 1999 to 2013. His most recent book is the collection, Essays in Media and Cultural Studies: In Transition (Routledge, 2020).

James Welker is a professor in the Department of Cross-Cultural Studies at Kanagawa University in Yokohama, Japan. He is the author of Transfigurations: Redefining Women in Late Twentieth-Century Japan (University of Hawai'i Press, forthcoming). He is editor of Queer Transfigurations: Boys Love Media in Asia (University of Hawai'i Press, forthcoming), BL ga hiraku tobira: Hen'yō suru Ajia no sekushuariti to jendā (BL opening doors: Sexuality and gender transfigured in Asia; 2019) and 'Queer(ing),' a special issue of the journal Mechademia: Second Arc (2020). He is also a coeditor of Rethinking Japanese Feminisms (with Julia C. Bullock and Ayako Kano; University of Hawai'i Press, 2018); Boys Love Manga and Beyond: History, Culture, and Community in Japan (with Mark McLelland, Kazumi Nagaike and Katsuhiko Suganuma; University Press of Mississippi, 2015); Queer Voices from Japan: First-Person Narratives from Japan's Sexual Minorities (with Mark McLelland and Katsuhiko Suganuma; Lexington Books, 2007); and 'Of Queer Import(s): Sexualities, Genders and Rights in Asia,' with Lucetta Kam, a special issue of Intersections: Gender, History, and Culture in the Asian Context (2006).

Published with the support of the Gender Relations Centre, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University.
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