Contributors to Intersections
Issue 28

Arya Aiyappan has carried out her research in the area of the construction of gender in contemporary Middle cinema in Hindi. This has been analysed in the light of the politics of representation and other identity markers. Until recently she was working as Asst. Professor with the Dept. of English and Media Studies at Christ University, Bangalore, India. She has published articles in Samyukta: A Journal of Women's Studies, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, The New Frontier: New Literatures in English, and authored an article, 'Pierre Bourdieu: "Cultural Arbitrary",' in the book Avenel Companion to Modern Social Theorists (2011).

Linda Rae Bennett is a medical anthropologist, whose research concentrates on reproductive and sexual health among youth and women from Muslim populations, human rights - with a particular focus on violence against women, and adolescent health and early motherhood in Indonesia. She is an ARC Future Fellow with appointments at the Australian Research Centre in Sex Health and Society - La Trobe University and The Nossal Institute for Global Health - The University of Melbourne. She is currently conducting a comprehensive investigation of infertility in Indonesia and is committed to capacity building in qualitative research techniques in resource poor communities and research outcomes with practical application in the health field. Key publications include: Body, Sexuality and Gender among Contemporary Indonesian Youth (2008); Women, Islam and Modernity (2005) and Violence Against Women in Asian Societies (2003). She has also worked with AusAID, GTZ, WHO and the Global Forum for Health.

Alexander Brown is currently based in the Graduate School of Sociology at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo conducting research towards his PhD at the University of Wollongong. His PhD research concerns class composition in Japanese social movements since the 1990s. His interests include modern Japanese and Australian social history and contemporary communist theory with a particular focus on autonomist Marxism.

Tanya Caulfield was awarded her PhD in the field of Anthropology by the University of Queensland. Her doctoral research considered different female sexualities and lived experiences with regard to unmarried women in India. She obtained her Masters degree, which focused on the dowry violence phenomenon in India, from Monash University in the field of Women's Studies. Tanya has worked with many women's organisations and NGOs in India and several international humanitarian and development agencies, undertaking research on humanitarian and development issues. Her research interests include sexuality, gender, difference and identity in India. Tanya is currently working at the Nossal Institute for Global Health at the University of Melbourne.

Kabita Chakraborty is currently a visiting guest lecturer in Gender Studies at the University of Malaya, (Malaysia) and an honorary research fellow at the Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne (Australia). She has been a research fellow at the University of Wollongong, the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society at La Trobe University, and the University of Melbourne before joining the University of Malaya as a commitment to her third world feminist practice. Her research interests include children's rights, the lived experiences of youth in urban slums, the sexual and reproductive rights of young people, Muslim youth in Asia, Bollywood popular culture, non-traditional qualitative methods (especially photovoice, ethnographic film and yoga), and individualisation and risk theory. Her work has appeared in journals including Sex Education, and her book Young Muslim Women in India: Bollywood, Identity and Changing Lives will be published by Routledge in 2012.

Nick Cheesman is a PhD candidate at the Department of Political and Social Change, Australian National University, researching the criminal juridical system of Burma. He also works as Burmese collection manager at the National Library of Australia and sometimes writes about its contents for the New Mandala blog. His recent academic publications include an article in Law & Society Review (December 2011) and a chapter in Ruling Myanmar: From Cyclone Nargis to National Elections (Singapore: ISEAS, 2010), which he co-edited.

Debora Di Dio is a development anthropologist who graduated in Development Studies at Macquarie University, Australia. She also obtained a BA in International and Diplomatic Relations with a major in Asian Studies at the School of Oriental Studies in Italy, and studied at the Capital University of Economics and Business in Beijing, China. She is currently working for the United Nations World Food Programme in Bangladesh. Her research interests include community participation, human rights issues and gender studies.

Phillip Drake is a PhD candidate in English literature at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. He is currently in the process of completing his dissertation on cultural representations of a controversial mud volcano in East Java. Beyond mud volcanoes, his research and teaching interests include environmental literature, science fiction, queer theory and empire studies.

Karen Fox completed her PhD at the Australian National University in 2009. Her thesis explored the shifting ways in which ideas about race, gender and nation were reflected and constructed in print media representations of prominent Indigenous women in Australia and New Zealand during the second half of the twentieth century. Her research interests include media and cultural history, comparative and transnational histories of settler societies, and feminist history. Her work has appeared in Aboriginal History, Women's History Review and Melbourne Historical Journal.

Lucy Fraser is a PhD candidate at the University of Queensland, working on gender and fairy tale revisions in contemporary Japanese and English texts. Part of her research has been carried out at Ochanomizu University on a research scholarship funded by the Japanese government. She has also published translations of literature and literary criticism.

Tyrell Haberkorn is currently a Research Fellow in the Department of Political and Social Change at the Australian National University. She completed her PhD in Sociocultural Anthropology at Cornell University in 2007, and her work is located at the intersection of academic and activist work about the histories and present of state repression in Thailand. Her first book, Revolution Interrupted: Farmers, Students, Law, and Violence in Northern Thailand, was published by the University of Wisconsin Press in 2011. She is now working on a history of impunity for state violence in Thailand since 1932 and a set of critical and creative pieces comparing gender, sedition and political prisoners in the U.S., Thailand and South Africa.

Tamara Jacka is a Senior Fellow in the Department of Political and Social Change, College of Asia and the Pacific, the Australian National University. Her main research interests relate to gender relations and social change in contemporary China. Her publications include: Women's Work in Rural China: Change and Continuity in an Era of Reform (1997); On the Move: Women and Rural-to-Urban Migration in Contemporary China (co-edited with Arianne Gaetano, 2004); Rural Women in Urban China: Gender, Migration and Social Change (2006, winner of the American Anthropological Association's award for best book in East Asian Anthropology 2007); and Women, Gender and Development in Rural China (co-edited with Sally Sargeson, 2011).

Petra Mahy is a research fellow in the Department of Business Law and Taxation at Monash University. She works on an ARC Discovery Project titled 'Legal Origins: The Impact of Different Legal Systems on the Regulation of the Business Enterprise in the Asia-Pacific Region'. Petra has recently completed her PhD at the Australian National University with a thesis on gender and corporate social responsibility in mining in Indonesia.

Melek Ortabasi received her PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Washington and is an assistant professor in the World Literature Program at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. Her publications include The Modern Murasaki: Women Writers of Meiji Japan, co-edited with Rebecca Copeland (Columbia University Press, 2006). Her book entitled The Undiscovered Country: Text, Translation and Modernity in the Work of Yanagita Kunio, is forthcoming from Harvard University Asia Center. Inspired by Yanagita's interest in children and education, a topic she examines in her book, she is starting a new project on children's literature and translation.

Lyn Parker is an Associate Professor of Asian Studies at the University of Western Australia in Perth. Her current research focuses on adolescence, gender, education and Islam in Indonesia. She is Team Leader of a large, comparative ARC Discovery Project on 'Ambivalent Adolescents in Indonesia'; she is conducting her fieldwork for the project in Bali and among the Minangkabau of West Sumatra. She is the author of From Subjects to Citizens: Balinese Villagers in the Indonesian Nation-State (NIAS, 2003), and editor of The Agency of Women in Asia (Marshall Cavendish, 2005). Her latest edited book (with Michele Ford) is Women and Work in Indonesia (Routledge, 2008).

Maria Platt is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore. She completed her PhD at La Trobe University in 2010. In 2007–2008, as an Endeavour Research Fellow, she undertook field work on marriage on the Indonesian island of Lombok. Maria continues to work with women in Lombok and elsewhere in Indonesia. Her work has also appeared in The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology.

Senthorun (Sen) Raj is a social justice advocate and researcher with a passion for cultural studies and social networking. Sen works as the Senior Policy Advisor for the NSW Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby, an organisation that advocates on behalf of gay men, lesbians and their families. He has also worked as a researcher with the Faculty of Law at the University of Technology, Sydney. In a governance capacity, Sen serves as the NSW President of Amnesty International Australia and a Director of ACON Health. In his advocacy roles, Sen writes regularly for the Sydney Morning Herald, The Punch and New Matilda on matters relating to sexuality and politics.

Kalyanee Rajan's areas of interest include Gender Studies, Postcolonialism, Dalit Literature/Feminism, Indian Literature in English/Translation and Sanskrit Poetics. She completed her MA in English Literature from Ramjas College, Delhi University where she presented a paper on the poetry of a Dalit Panther – Namdev Dhasal. She has taught undergraduate courses at the University of Delhi. Lately, she taught at Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Delhi University as Guest Faculty. She is pursuing M.Phil in English Literature from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, where she is working on two courses: 'Representations of Women in Twentieth Century Indian Literature' and 'Film and Literature – An Introduction'.

Elen Turner is a PhD Candidate at the Research School of Humanities and the Arts, ANU. Her research focuses on Indian feminist publishing companies, and the ways in which they produce knowledge and dialogue on issues of importance to contemporary Indian society. Elen’s interests include postcolonial literature, women’s literature, and South Asian history.


Published with the support of the Gender Relations Centre, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University.
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