Contributors to Intersections
Issue 20

Tomoko Aoyama is Senior Lecturer in the School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies, The University of Queensland. Her recent publications include: Reading Food in Modern Japanese Literature, (University of Hawaii Press, 2008), 'Embroidering Girls' Texts: Fashion and Feminism in the Fiction of Kanai Mieko,' US-Japan Women's Journal (2005), and 'Appropriating Bush Tucker: Food in Inoue Hisashi's Yellow Rats', Journal of Australian Studies (2006), (winner of the inaugural Inoue Yasushi Award for Outstanding Research in Japanese Literature in Australia). She has guest edited a special issue of Asian Studies Review on Girl, Body, and Nation in Japan (vol. 32, no. 3, September 2008) and is currently co-editing with Barbara Hartley a volume entitled Girl Reading Girl in Japan.
Jason Bainbridge is Senior Lecturer in Media, Journalism and Communications at Swinburne University. He has previously published on representations of law in popular culture, comic books and chequebook journalism and he is the co-author of Media and Journalism: New Approaches to Theory and Practice (OUP 2008, with N Goc and L Tynan).
James Coates is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Anthropology, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. Previously, he has researched masculinity and practices of distinction amongst Chinese martial artists in Beijing. His current thesis, titled 'Being-with Others: Chinese student-workers in Tokyo, Japan,' will explore the relationship between the social imaginaries of Chinese students working in Tokyo and their sense of place in the world. James' research interests are theories of subjectivity and the body, migration, and North-East Asian Urban Anthropology.
George Darroch is an MPhil student in the Division of Pacific and Asian History, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, the Australian National University. He is writing a thesis on Indonesian Papua (West Papua), and how representation of 'Papuanness' by foreign organisations has affected the nationalist movement.
Alisa Freedman is an Assistant Professor of Japanese Literature and Film at the University of Oregon. Much of her interdisciplinary work investigates how the urban experience has shaped human subjectivity and cultural production and how gender roles come to represent twentieth and twenty-first century Japan. She strives to show how culture provides insight into society, politics and economics. Currently, Alisa is preparing two book manuscripts. The first explores fictional and artistic depictions of the ways increased use of mass transportation changed Tokyo's social fabric. The second analyzes changing gender images on Japanese television. She is engaged in a project on the use of humor as a means to expose contradictions in Japan's capitalist modernization. Alisa has published several articles on Tokyo youth culture, the intersection of literature and new media, and translations of modern Japanese fiction. Her annotated translation of Kawabata Yasunari's The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa was published by the University of California Press in 2005.
Larissa Hjorth is researcher and artist lecturing in the Games and Digital Art Programs at RMIT University. Since 2000, Hjorth has been researching and publishing on gendered customising of mobile communication, gaming and virtual communities in the Asia-Pacific—these studies are outlined in her book, Mobile Media in the Asia-Pacific( London, Routledge). Hjorth has published widely on the topic in national and international journals in journals such as Games and Culture Journal, Convergence Journal, Journal of Intercultural Studies, Continuum, ACCESS, Fibreculture and Southern Review and recently co-edited two Routledge anthologies, Games of Locality: Gaming Cultures in the Asia-Pacific (with Dean Chan) and Mobile Technologies: From Telecommunication to Media (with Gerard Goggin). In 2007, Hjorth co-convened the International Mobile media conference with Gerard Goggin and the Interactive Entertainment (IE) conference with Esther Milne. Check out Larissa's website.
Katrien Jacobs is a scholar, curator and artist in the field of new media and sexuality and works as assistant professor at City University of Hong Kong. She was born in Belgium and received her Ph.D. degree in comparative literature and media from the University of Maryland, with a thesis on dismemberment myths and rituals in 1960s/1970s body art and performance media. She has organised conferences on Internet Pornography in collaboration with the Institute of Network Cultures in Amsterdam. She published Libi_doc: Journeys in the Performance of Sex Art in 2005 (Maska Publications) and her book Netporn: DIY Web Culture and Sexual Politics (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2007) analyses DIY porn on the Internet. Her work can be found at
Sun Jung recently completed her Ph.D. in Cultural Studies at the University of Melbourne. Jung's doctoral research forms the basis of her forthcoming book with Hong Kong University Press, entitled Globalized Masculinities in South Korean Popular Culture. Currently, she is an honorary research fellow at the University of Melbourne and a postdoctoral research fellow at Victoria University where she is continuing her research on South Korean popular culture, global consumption, and new media. Jung also has previous professional experience as a reporter/journalist in the field of journalism as well as a scriptwriter for Korean film productions.
Kumiko Kawashima is a PhD candidate in Anthropology at the Gender Relations Centre at the Australian National University. Through her doctoral research on Japanese working holiday makers in Australia and their return to Japan, Kumiko explores the meaning of transnational mobility as experienced by today's young people. Her focus is on how migratory experience is shaped by the gendered and classed positions the migrants occupy in both home and host societies, as well as by wider social, cultural, economic, political and global trends that surround them. Kumiko's previous academic background is in women's studies and linguistics. She completed a BA (Honours) degree at the University of New South Wales in 2002. From her Honours thesis on cross-cultural comparison of women's magazines, she published an article 'Interpersonal Relationships in Japanese and Australian Women's Magazines: A Case Study.' Prior to commencing her study at ANU, Kumiko developed her research skills as a social research consultant in Sydney.
Ting Liu is a PhD scholar at the Department of Political and Social Change, RSPAS, Australian National University. Her current research focuses on subcultural production of boys' love in mainland China and Hong Kong. She obtained her BA in Chinese Literature at Wuhan University in China and her MA (Hons) in Journalism and Mass Communication at Griffith University in Australia. Her recent publications include a co-authored book Theorising Folklore Journalism (in Chinese) (Beijing: China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Publishing Corporation, 2008) with Yuan Bu, and 'Cyberactivism in the Women's Movement: A Comparison of Feminist Practices by Women Organising in Mainland China and Hong Kong,' in Chinese Women and Cyberspace, ed. K.E. Kuah-Pearce, (Amsterdam University Press, 2008).
Vera Mackie holds an Australian Research Council Professorial Fellowship in Historical Studies at the University of Melbourne and has held Visiting Professorships at Hitotsubashi University, Ochanomizu University and Victoria University. Major publications include Gurōbaruka to Jendā Hyōshō [Globalisation and Representations of Gender], Tokyo: Ochanomizu Shobō, 2003; Feminism in Modern Japan: Citizenship, Embodiment and Sexuality, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003; Relationships: Japan and Australia, 1870s–1950s, Melbourne: University of Melbourne History Monographs and RMIT Publishing, 2001, co-edited with Paul Jones; Human Rights and Gender Politics: Asia-Pacific Perspectives, London: Routledge, 2000, paperback edition 2006, co-edited with Anne Marie Hilsdon, Martha Macintyre and Maila Stivens; and Creating Socialist Women in Japan: Gender, Labour and Activism, 1900–1937, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, paperback edition 2002. Current research interests focus on the politics of visual culture in modern Japan and the cultural history of the body in modern Japan.
Mark McLelland is Associate Professor in Sociology at the University of Wollongong, Australia, and was the 2007/08 Toyota Visiting Professor of Japanese at the Center for Japanese Studies, The University of Michigan. He is best known for his work in Japanese sexual minority history and is the author of Male Homosexuality in Modern Japan (RoutledgeCurzon, 2000) and Queer Japan from the Pacific War to the Internet Age (Rowman and Littlefield, 2005) and co-editor of Genders, Transgenders and Sexualities in Japan (Routledge, 2005), Queer Voices from Japan (Lexington, 2007) and AsiaPacifiQueer: Rethinking Genders and Sexualities (University of Illinois Press, 2008). His latest project: Kissing Is a Symbol of Democracy, looks at the development of new styles of Japanese heterosexual romance and coupledom in the wake of the US Occupation. The first paper from this project: 'Kissing Is a Symbol of Democracy!: Dating, Democracy and Romance in Occupied Japan 1945–52,' will appear in The Journal of the History of Sexuality.
Paul M. Malone is currently Associate Professor of German in the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, and editor of Germano-Slavica: A Canadian Journal of Literary, Linguistic and Cultural Perspectives. His PhD is in Interdisciplinary Studies, and his doctoral dissertation at UBC became the book Franz Kafka's The Trial: Four Stage Adaptations (Peter Lang, 2003). Since then, he has continued to research and publish on adaptations of Kafka's work into other media: a book chapter on Orson Welles's and Harold Pinter's film adaptations of The Trial was published in Film/Fiction: Classics, ed. I.Q. Hunter, Imelda Whelehan and Heidi Kaye (London: Pluto Press, 2000), and an article on Gottfried von Einem's 1953 operatic version of The Trial appeared in the journal Seminar (4.14, 2005). Other published interests include popular culture themes such as rock musicals derived from Goethe's classic Faust, German influences on Japanese anime, and the career of contemporary German queer comic book artist Ralf König. He is also presently working on two other major research projects: one on the dual careers of German film director and prose author Doris Dörrie, and another on the popularity of Japanese manga comic books in Germany and its ongoing effect on the German comics industry—the latter of which provided the impetus for the current Intersections contribution.
Fran Martin has published critical essays on lesbian and gay sexualities in contemporary Taiwan in Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique, GLQ, Communal/Plural, Intersections and Critical InQueeries, and her work has appeared in Chinese translation in Chungwai Literary Monthly and Youth Literary. She wrote the foreword for Taiwanese author Ta-wei Chi's most recent short story collection, Fetish (Lianwupi, Taipei, 1998). Her anthology of ten of her own translations with critical Introduction, entitled Angelwings: Contemporary Queer Fiction from Taiwan, is forthcoming with Hawai'i University Press, and her translations of Taiwanese fiction have also appeared in Positions and antiTHESIS. She is currently co-editing a collection with Chris Berry and Audrey Yue entitled Mobile Cultures: New Media and Queer Asia. She was awarded her Ph.D. in Cultural Studies for a thesis entitled 'Situating Sexuality: Queer Narratives in 1990s Taiwanese Fiction and Film' in 2000, and currently lectures in the Cultural Studies program at the University of Melbourne.
Kazumi Nagaike completed her PhD at the University of British Columbia in 2005; she is an Associate Professor at the Center for International Education and Research at Oita National University in Japan. Her scholarly interests include the analysis of female acts of fantasising male-male eroticism in literary works and popular culture materials. Her most recent research focus is a methodological analysis of how Japanese popular culture is treated in the educational institutions of foreign countries. Her publications include: 'Perverse Sexuality, Perversive Desires: Representations of Female Fantasies and Yaoi Manga as Pornography Directed at Women' (U.S.-Japan Women's Journal, no. 25, 2003), 'L'homme fatal and (Dis)empowered Women in Mori Mari's Male Homosexual Trilogy' (Japanese Language and Literature: Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese, vol. 41, 2008), and 'Okamoto Kanoko's 'Kakoze': Homoerotic Aestheticism and the Female Gaze' (U.S.-Japan Women's Journal, no. 33, 2008).
Craig Norris is a lecturer in the Journalism, Media and Communications program at the University of Tasmania. His doctoral thesis examined the politics of active fan participation through a case study of manga and anime consumption in Australian. His current research interests are in user generated content (particularly through video games and by online communities) and new knowledge economies (with an emphasis on the innovation and creativity of industry and fan alliances). He has published in the area of global media and the dissemination of Japanese cultural goods (particularly animation and comic books).
Dru Pagliassotti is an associate professor in the Communication Department at California Lutheran University. Her current research investigates the Western reception and adaptation of the boys' love genre, with a particular focus on imported and locally developed manga, and she maintains and updates the Yaoi Research Wiki for other boys' love scholars. Dru was recently the guest editor for a special conference issue of Participations and is currently co-editing a scholarly volume provisionally titled Girls Doing Boys Doing Boys: Japanese Boys' Love Anime and Manga in a Globalized World. She also writes fiction and has published one novel, Clockwork Heart (2008, Juno Books). Her blog is

Jyh Wee Sew is affiliated with Center for Language Studies, National University of Singapore. His publications incude Semiotik Persembahan Wacana [Semiotics of Discourse Performing], 2009 and Reduplicating Nouns and Verbs in Malay, 2007; both with University Malaya Press. Areas of interest include Malay grammar, performing pedagogy and learning with new media.

James Welker is a doctoral candidate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a Fulbright-Hays fellow (2008-09) at Ochanomizu University, Tokyo. He is the recipient of the 2006 Crompton-Noll Award (MLA) for Best Essay in Lesbian, Gay, and Queer Studies for his article 'Beautiful, Borrowed, and Bent: Boys' Love as Girls' Love in Shōjo Manga' (Signs 31:3, (2006)). He is a co-editor of and translator for Queer Voices from Japan: First Person Narratives from Japan's Sexual Minorities (Lexington, 2007). With Lucetta Kam, he guest edited issue 14 of Intersections, 'Of Queer Import(s): Sexualities, Genders and Rights in Asia,' (November 2006) and has published a number of other journal articles, book chapters, and translations on the Japanese lesbian community, girls' comics, and feminisms in Japan. His dissertation project examines the role of cultural borrowing in resistance to patriarchal gender and sexual norms among women in the women's lib movement and the lesbian community, as well as producers and consumers of gender-bending girls' comics in Japan.


Published with the support of the Gender Relations Centre, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University.
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