Contributors to Intersections:

Globalisation and Culture

James Boyd is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Asian Studies at Murdoch University. His field of research is Japanese-Mongolian relations during the latter part of the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth centuries. While his main focus is on military and diplomatic contacts between the two countries, he is also interested in the social and religious contacts that existed throughout the period.
Mick Broderick teaches Media Analysis at Murdoch University. He is author of Nuclear Movies (McFarland and Co. 1991) and editor of Hibakusha Cinema (Kegan Paul International, 1996; trans. Genai Shokan 1999), and is Associate Director of the Centre for Millennial Studies (Australia-Pacific branch) at the University of Sydney.

Allison Craven teaches media and communications, and coordinates Arts Faculty programs at Monash University Malaysia. She researches on gender and popular culture; and communications research issues. Her latest publication is 'Beauty and the Belles: Discourses of Feminism and Femininity in Disneyland', The European Journal of Women’s Studies, vol. 9, no. 2 (2002): 123-42.

Louise Edwards is Senior Lecturer in the China and Korea Centre at Australian National University. She has published Men and Women in Qing China (1994), Recreating the Literary Canon (1995), Censored by Confucius (with Kam Louie) (1996) and Women in Asia (ed. with Mina Roces) (2000) as well as numerous journal articles on women and gender in China.
Andrea Germer has been a research fellow at the German Institute for Japanese Studies in Tokyo (DIJ Tokyo) since 2001. She obtained her PhD at Ruhr-University Bochum, and her main areas of research are women's historiography in Japan, feminist theory, and discourses in twentieth-century women's movements. Andrea's publications include a book on international feminist theory, Wechselnde Blicke: Frauenforschung in internationaler Perspektive, co-edited with Ilse Lenz and Brigitte Hasenjürgen (Opladen: Leske and Budrich, 1996), and several articles on gender and women's history, such as 'Continuity and Change in Japanese Feminist Magazines: Fujin sensen (1930-1931) and Onna erosu (1973-1982)', in Gender and Modernity: Rereading Japanese Women's Magazines, ed. Ulrike Wöhr, Barbara Hamill Sato, and Sadami Suzuki, Kyoto: Nichibunken 2000. Forthcoming is her book on Japanese women's history and the historian Takamure Itsue, Historische Frauenforschung in Japan: Die Rekonstruktion der Vergangenheit in Takamure Itsues 'Geschichte der Frau' (Josei no rekishi), München: iudicium, 2003.

Patricia K.L. Goon received her Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from Central Queensland University in November 1999. She currently teaches communication at Monash University Malaysia. Her research interests include cyborg theory, postcolonial studies and science fiction constructions in popular culture.
Jocelyn Grace is an anthropologist with twenty years experience with indigenous people in Australia, Indonesia and East Timor. Her doctoral research was on maternal and child health, gender relations and ethnomedicine in rural East Lombok, Indonesia. Since completing her fieldwork, she has worked in as an applied anthropologist, designing and evaluating health development projects in Eastern Indonesia and East Timor, and managing and conducting Native Title research for land councils in Western Australia and Queensland. In 2001/2 while a Research Fellow at Murdoch University, her research focussed on HIV/AIDS in South-East Asia, and more specifically Viet Nam. She is currently a Research Fellow at the Menzies School of Health Research in Darwin, where she is involved in a number of collaborative research projects in Aboriginal and international health.

Jane Hutchison lectures in Politics and International Studies at Murdoch University. She has written on the political economy of Philippine development, most recently in The Political Economy of South-East Asia: Conflicts, Crises, and Change (eds Garry Rodan et al, Melbourne and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001). With Andrew Brown, she edited and contributed to Organising Labour in Globalising Asia (London and New York: Routledge, 2001). She is commencing a new project on urban land conflicts in Manila.
Peter A. Jackson is Fellow in Thai History in the Australian National University's Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Canberra. He specialises in modern Thai cultural history, with particular interests in the history of Buddhism, the history of gender and eroticism, and the theoretical bases of cross-cultural research. He is co-founder of the Australia-based AsiaPacifiQueer network and is currently writing a history of Thai discourses of gender and sexuality as well as a study of the foundations of a theoretically engaged area studies project. His books include Buddhadasa – A Buddhist Thinker for the Modern World; Buddhism, Legitimation and Conflict – The Political Functions of Urban Thai Buddhism; Dear Uncle Go: Male Homosexuality in Thailand; Multicultural Queer: Australian Narratives (with Gerard Sullivan); Lady Boys, Tom Boys, Rent Boys: Male and Female Homosexualities in Contemporary Thailand (with Gerard Sullivan); Genders and Sexualities in Modern Thailand (with Nerida Cook) and Gay and Lesbian Asia (with Gerard Sullivan).

Mark McLelland is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies at the University of Queensland. He is the author of Male Homosexuality in Modern Japan (Curzon 2000) and the co-editor of Japanese Cybercultures (Routledge 2003). His current work focuses on the intersections between gender, sexuality and new technologies in Japan and beyond and his papers have appeared in such online journals as Intersections, issue 3 and issue 4; The Journal of Cult Media; Mots Pluriels; and the Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies. He has also published in conventional hard-to-find and laborious-to-copy print journals such as The Journal of Gender Studies, Continuum, Convergence, Journal of Communication Inquiry, Culture Health & Sexuality and the International Journal of Sexuality & Gender Studies. His new book project Local Culture/Global Space: Japanese Minority Sexualities and the Internet is currently looking for a home.

Claire Maree recently received her Ph.D. from Tokyo University, Japan. Her dissertation, entitled Nihongo to Jendâ oyobi Sekushuaritei: Negoshieshon; Jibun ga Jibun de iru tame ni ['Japanese, Gender, Sexuality: Negotiation: Becoming (My) self'] is the first Japanese language work to extensively explore the linguistic negotiation of heteronormative gender by queer Japanese speakers. Claire is currently completing the English translation. She lectures at the Department of Tourism, Toyo University, Japan.

Narelle Morris is a doctoral candidate in Japanese Studies and a tutor in Asian Studies at Murdoch University. Her doctoral thesis focuses on the discourses of orientalism and the phenomenon of Japan-bashing in the United States and Australia in the 1980s and 1990s. Her research interests include cultural representations of the Other, particularly images of Japan in Western fiction, television and film and she is the author of 'Paradigm Paranoia: Images of Japan and the Japanese in American Popular Fiction of the Early 1990s,' in Japanese Studies 21, 1 (2001): 45-59.

Mina Roces, a Ph.D. graduate from the University of Michigan, teaches history at The University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. She is the author of Women, Power and Kinship Politics: Female Power in Post-War Philippines (Praeger, 1998) and Kinship Politics in Post-War Philippines: The Lopez Family, 1946-2000 (de La Salle University Press 2001).
James Welker is a lecturer in English in the Department of British and American Studies at Nanzan University in Nagoya, Japan. He recently finished an MA in Japanese Studies at the University of Sheffield, UK, writing his dissertation on the history of the contemporary Japanese lesbian community. His current research interests include the role of borrowing in the construction of queer identities, communities, and cultures, particularly in Japan; and the representation of gender and sexuality in Japanese shôjo manga [girls' comics].
Sandra Wilson is Associate Professor in the Japanese Studies Programme at Murdoch University. She is co-editor with David Wells of The Russo-Japanese War in Cultural Perspective, 1904-05 (Macmillan, 1999), author of The Manchurian Crisis and Japanese Society, 1931-33 (Routledge, 2002) and editor of Nation and Nationalism in Modern Japan (RoutledgeCurzon, 2002). She is currently working on Japanese nationalism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.


This page was originally published in Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context, with the assistance of Murdoch University.

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