Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context
Issue 3, January 2000
Contributors to Intersections: Issue 3

    Jenny de Reuck is a Senior Lecturer in English and Comparative Literature and Chair of Creative Arts at Murdoch University. Her recent publications - reflecting her eclectic research interests - include a chapter on gender and reception in Othello in Shakespeare: Readers, Audiences, Players, edited by R.S. White, Charles Edelman and Chris Wortham; an article on the conditions of women in the concentration camps during the South African Anglo-Boer War for English in Africa, as well as reviews on feminist and eco-criticism for Social Semiotics. She has written several plays for children and is currently adapting Shakespeare's comedies for performance in secondary schools in Singapore. Her current research is into performance in the broad field of postcolonial and cultural studies.

    Stephen Frost works at the School of Asian Studies at the University of Western Australia. His Ph.D. thesis was completed at Murdoch University in the Schools of Asian Studies and Media, Communication and Culture, and is entitled 'Australia Re-Oriented: Negotiating Australia's Asian Future from 1983 to 1996'. He has published in Continuum, UTS Review, and Journal of Southeast Asian Social Science. His current research is part of a large project aimed at comparing the impact globalisation is having on workers in the whitegoods industry in a dozen countries. Stephen's case study is China's largest manufacturer of home appliances, the Haier Group of Qingdao. His research brings together areas as diverse as global investment strategies, regimes of factory management, worker-management relations, the links between the Chinese state and a new breed of Chinese multinationals, new patterns of consumption and desire, and advertising strategies. From 1 January 2000 Stephen will be based in Hong Kong.

    Helena Grehan teaches Theatre and Drama Studies in the School of Arts at Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia. Her main research interests include contemporary performance theory; drama, race and identity; and landscape, place and belonging in contemporary Australian performance. She has published papers on the issues of representation in theatre, mapping the subject in contemporary performance, and race and performance.

    Portrait by Maya Simone Tsuruki Holden, when she was aged 3.
    Todd Holden is an interdisciplinary social scientist who holds joint positions in the Faculty of Language and Culture and the Graduate School of Information Sciences at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan. His substantive interests are semiology, advertising and comparative culture. Theoretically, his major concern is social reproduction and change - in particular, centering on the phenomenon of glo/cal-ization. His most recent publications have focussed on: the rise of political consultants in Japanese national elections; food as a medium for transmitting cultural values on Japanese television; and the attempt by the Malaysian government to shape social development via TV advertising. He is currently completing a book called 'The New Floating World: Japanese Television Advertising as the Future of Communication Society.' Dr. Holden also hopes to one day see his accreting manuscripts in the philosophical detection genre reach print.

    Cynthia L. Hunter has a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. Her doctoral research was conducted on the island of Lombok, Indonesia during 1991 and 1992. Her research interests include ritual, illness and healing in medical pluralistic contexts, maternal, child health, and national health services in rural Indonesian communities and development studies. Currently she is a lecturer in the Department of Anthropology, Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales.

    Peter A. Jackson is Research Fellow in Thai History in the Australian National University's Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. He was formerly head of the Thai National Curriculum Project in Canberra and Executive Officer of the ANU's National Thai Studies Centre. His research focuses on modern Thai cultural history, with emphases on religion and sexuality. Current projects include a history of gay Bangkok and a study of the impact of Thailand's economic boom and bust on Buddhism and other aspects of Thai religion. Peter Jackson's books include Buddhadasa: A Buddhist Thinker for the Modern World (1988), Buddhism, Legitimation and Conflict: The Political Functions of Urban Thai Buddhism (1989) and Dear Uncle Go: Male Homosexuality in Thailand (1995).

    Laura Lochore is a PhD student at the University of Western Australia, studying Representations of Otherness in the Indonesian print media. She completed a Bachelor of Asian Studies in Indonesian and a Bachelor of Arts in Communications (Honours) at Murdoch University in 1999.

    Mark McLelland is a post-doctoral fellow in the Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies at the University of Queensland. Mark wrote his Ph.D. thesis on representations of male homosexuality in the Japanese media which was later published as Male Homosexuality in Modern Japan: Cultural Myths and Social Realities, Richmond: Curzon Press (2000). His papers on homosexuality in Japan have appeared in The New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, The U.S.-Japan Women's Journal, The Journal of Gender Studies, Intersections and Culture, Health and Sexuality. His current research focuses on the interface between homosexuality, gender and new technologies in Japan and he has so far published on this topic in The Journal of Communication Inquiry and Convergence. He is currently completing a chapter on Japanese queer uses of the Internet for the forthcoming book Mobile Cultures: New Media in Queer Asia edited by Chris Berry, Fran Martin and Audrey Yue and is co-editor (with Nanette Gottlieb) of Japanese Cybercultures (forthcoming).

    Anne-Marie Medcalf teaches Southeast Asian Studies at Murdoch University in Western Australia and is co-editor, with Carolyn Brewer, of Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context. Her main research interests concern gender, culture, literature and the environment in the context of French colonial Vietnam. On this subject, she has most recently written 'Reconstructing a Homeland: Gender, Gallicity and Sense of Place in Colonial Vietnam,' in Carolyn Brewer and Anne-Marie Medcalf (eds), 'Researching the Fragments: Histories of Women in the Asian Context,' Quezon City: New Day Publishers, 2000.

    Leonie Rae Stickland is undertaking doctoral studies at Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia. Her research centres upon the Takarazuka Revue, an all-female musical theatre company in Japan, for which she worked as a translator and voice actor for more than six of her twenty years of residence in that country. She is also interested in cross-dressing by women in Chinese opera.

    Siumi Maria Tam is Associate Professor at the Department of Anthropology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include identity, gender, migration, ethnicity, Hong Kong society, Chinese culture, and overseas Chinese. She is also Co-Director of the Gender Research Programme, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies.

    Yiman Wang has a B.A. in English Literature received in 1993 from Nanjing University, P.R. China; M.A. in Comparative Lit. and Literary Theory received in 1996 from Peking University, P.R. China. Currently Yiman is a Ph.D. candidate in the Literature Program at Duke University, U.S.A. She is majoring in Chinese film studies, cultural studies and women's studies. Her publications include translations and articles. Two translations are forthcoming in Desire and Cinema, ed. Jing Wang and Tani Barlow and Positions, ed. Tani Barlow.


This paper was originally published in Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context, with the assistance of Murdoch University.

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